We are so R-E-A-D-Y to shift our focus from dog-paddling through the past year just to keep our heads above water to leading, learning and growing! This was never more clear than in the packed house at our “Flipping the Script for Staff Meetings: Creating a Culture of Collaboration” session at the National Association of Elementary Principals (NAESP) conference this week. I was honored to present with Jessica Gomez, an incredible elementary principal in southern California. Many educational leaders saw posts about our presentation on social media and asked us to share it and sharing is caring, so here you go!
We know that collaboration lead to better outcomes for kids. What do you say to NEVER having a “Staff Meeting” again? Instead, what if we rename our time together to better represent a focus on collaboration? At Quincy Elementary, we call our time together “Staff Collaboration Time”. If we need to meet for me to disseminate information, we can have a stand-up meeting or a “State of the School Address”.
Although there is no substitute for participating in our session in-person, Jessica and I recorded our presentation for you. Feel free to check out the video below.
To access the resources we shared, click here to access our slideshow and the links embedded within to flip your staff meetings on their head this coming school year. We invite you to connect with us on social media with questions or to share ideas! You can find us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, @AllysonApsey and @MrsJessGomez.
Loved this so much! Thank you!!