Through the Lens of Serendipity

The Path to Serendipity by education leader Allyson Apsey is a funny, genuine, and clever look at the fortunes we can gain from even our worst experiences. 

Through the Lens of Serendipity

by Allyson Apsey

Through her personal, relatable stories, you will learn strategies for living a meaningful life regardless of the craziness happening around you. Through the Lens of Serendipity takes the ideas in The Path to Serendipity and expands on them to help others discover the best in themselves.

The stories, research, and lessons included in Through the Lens of Serendipity helps us accomplish these eight goals:

  • Know that there is always more to someone’s story than what meets the eye.
  • Review (or learn about) Glasser’s five basic needs and expand on that learning by understanding how to change how we are thinking and feeling.
  • Understand that looking for the good in all people benefits more than just the people around you—it benefits you as well.
  • Begin to understand how our brains work and why someone might choose fight, flight, or freeze over pausing and problem-solving.
  • Understand what trauma is and that the same compassion and supports that those who have been affected by trauma need benefit ALL people.
  • Know that others’ past experiences change their view on the world, their perceptions of others, and motivate their own self-preserving behaviors. And our own past experiences
    change our view of the world.
  • Understand that we impact each other with our behavior, and this impact can be negative or positive.
  • Passionately believe that in order to support everyone, we have to HANDLE each other with care.
      • Hope is everything
      • Assure safety
      • No shoulda’ needed
      • Do things differently
      • Listen to understand
      • Establish trust
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