A Poem for Principals

So begins another school year
The smiles on our faces bright and clear

Excitement abounds at the possibilities embed
In a brand new year, a fresh start ahead

As the thrill wears off and the honeymoon ends
Let's compel each principal to carefully attend

To both the positive, exciting news teachers share
And the frustrations and criticisms they have because they care

They care about doing the very best for learning
And sometimes the feedback they give us is concerning

Don't dismiss complaints with a wave of the hand
Citing grumpiness or tiredness or unweilding demands

Listen to your teachers with an open mind and heart
Be a team, through good and bad, that no one can part

So begins another school year
The smiles on our faces bright and clear

Honest discussions, no right and no wrong
Echo through the hallways all year long

So that on the very last day of the year,
Surprisingly, we have to wipe away a tear

Because we cannot believe how much was accomplished
When really working together, the results astonished

Image source HERE

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