It is a choice, America.

The biggest challenge I am having right now as I look at social media is the frequent use of the pronouns “they” or “them”. Whatever side of the aisle you sit on, in my perspective, there is still an “us”.

As in, “We the People of the United States.”

As in, “One nation under God”.

That is what my heart is fighting for. Us. All of us.

My sincerest wish right now is that we stop using “they” or “them” and recognize that behind every Democrat, Republican, Independent, etc. there is a face. There is a story. There is a reason why someone feels so strongly. There is a reason why opinions differ. What side of the aisle we are on does not define WHO we are as individuals. Not every Republican or Democrat feels the same about the election or the issues. Most importantly, whether we agree with someone’s viewpoint does not have to dictate whether we demonstrate that we value someone as a human being.

Let’s embrace the idea that our opinions and perspectives are NO MORE VALUABLE than the opposition’s opinions and perspectives. I fully support peacefully fighting for what we believe in AND I firmly believe that we have the capacity to disagree without being disagreeable. We can live side-by-side with differing viewpoints in harmony.

It is a choice, America.

We can choose


hopeful curiosity,

and to believe that our differences can make us strong rather than divide us.

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You can check out the #SerendipityEDU books out on Amazon by clicking HERE! Each book is filled with inspiration to help us discover the gifts in along life’s journey. With the addition of my newest book, a middle-grades chapter book called The Serendipity Journal, there is a book for every age level. There is no better time to start looking for happy accidents!

1 thought on “It is a choice, America.”

  1. Beautifully written!!! Thank you.

    On Sun, Nov 8, 2020 at 10:41 AM Serendipity in Education wrote:

    > allysonapsey posted: ” The biggest challenge I am having right now as I > look at social media is the frequent use of the pronouns “they” or “them”. > Whatever side of the aisle you sit on, in my perspective, there is still an > “us”. As in, “We the People of the United States.”” >

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