I serve teachers

In this holiday season, I find myself often thinking about how thankful I am to be the principal of Quincy Elementary. For the past couple weeks, Quincy teachers have been working long hours, into the nights and weekends, to prepare for parent/teacher conferences and to complete report cards. Their dedication continuously astounds me, they are people of high integrity and have public servant hearts. They will do whatever it takes to do right by their students.

I am also grateful for our students. I adore them, and they bring joy to my every day. I aspire to know all of their names and to make a connection with each of them. I want to be able to rattle off their academic strengths, struggles, and next steps. I am in awe of principals who know every student that well. 


As lovely as it is to connect with our students this way, I have no business spending my time doing so.


I have no business knowing the passions, strengths and struggles of our students until I know the passions, strengths and struggles of our teachers. My number one duty is to connect with teachers.

The teachers are the ones who touch the lives of students all day, every day. If I want to impact student success, my work needs to be with teachers. I need to know their strengths, their goals, their next steps. I need to inspire them to continiously improve.

Teachers serve students. I serve teachers.

Image credit: http://www.pajoof.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/what-is-servant-leadership.png

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