They Can Tell…

Who are you listening to in the classroom? Who are you focused on? Your students or yourself?

One of the variables in moving from good to great as an educator is this: is your attention on doing things “right”, not getting in trouble, looking like you know what you are doing? Or is your attention on your students’ learning and their character growth?

I learned something that is critical to success during my first year of teaching and again during my early years as a principal. I learned it how I learn most things–the hard way. I learned that they can tell…students know if your focus is on yourself or on them.


You are important, and your needs are too. They are just not the most important needs in the room. I agree with putting on my oxygen mask first, but you better believe that while I am doing that my eyes will send a message to my students that I will be there for them just as soon as I can.

Want to move from good to great? Take care of yourself while making others feel like they are the most important thing to you.

There are two kinds of people in the world, givers and takers. The takers may eat better, but the givers sleep better.                                                             -Marlo Thomas

1 thought on “They Can Tell…”

  1. Allyson,

    This fits right in with the FISH philosophy of “Be There”. We have to be focused on students (and teachers) not just physically present, but focused on them. I love how you put the view of both the students and teachers side by side….yes, both students AND teachers can tell!


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