The Message in Our Handwriting


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my mom’s handwriting


7 thoughts on “The Message in Our Handwriting”

  1. So true Allyson! A handwritten note is much more personal. As soon a I started reading your blog, I immediately saw the resemblance between your handwriting and your mom’s handwriting. It was a pleasant flashback for me. Ah! Memories can provide comfort. I’d love to have a full copy of that zucchini bar recipe! Love, Aunt Julie

  2. Allyson,
    I love this post!! What a special way to convey your message and the importance of a handwritten note. Unfortunately, for me, my penmanship is not what I wish it was and would probably leave the impression of “What did he just say?” 🙂 Personal notes written by hand certainly do send a message that you are important and special. Thanks for the reminder!

  3. Love this! You have beautiful handwriting. I also agree that handwriting is so personal. I keep many personal notes that I’ve gotten in the past, and I wish it happened more often. What do you think about cursive getting phased out of education?

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